It is not arrogant to turn down an arrogant demand

Turning down Nicola Sturgeon and SNP demands is not arrogance. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA WireTurning down Nicola Sturgeon and SNP demands is not arrogance. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
Turning down Nicola Sturgeon and SNP demands is not arrogance. Photo: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
I read in Saturday's edition of the News Letter (March 18) that the SNP deputy leader Angus Robertson has said, 'Scotland's referendum is going to happen', despite the 'Tory arrogance' of Theresa May.

I wonder will the media, News Letter included, seize upon May’s arrogance the way they did with Arlene Foster.

May has stated her position of not allowing a referendum just because SNP want one at a particular time.

Is this arrogance?

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Just because Arlene Foster didn’t give in to Sinn Fein demands this was not arrogance either.

Unfortunately before the election there was a campaign which had the strange bedfellows of Sinn Fein, SDLP, Alliance, UUP, TUV and others who were all agreeing on one thing.

Anyone but the DUP.

Are we in a better place because of this joint campaign?

I don’t think so.

All unionists need to waken up and work together for the common good of our people.

We don’t need to amalgamate into one party.

All we need to do is co-operate with each other instead of tearing strips from one another.

Ivor Wallace, Ballymoney